CacheTable:Clean(NewCache Table)
This is only usable within the server.
This function completely cleans whatever is in the storage of the given cache. It will delete any userdata (Object) values that are in the cache and disconnect any Roblox-made connections. This is perfect for making a recyclable cache.
Clean Arguments:
(Non-Global) player userdata/object whose cache to clean
Example Usage for non-Global:
local PRSCache = Cache:Create("PlayerRoundSets",
{ Replicate = true},
SpawnLocation = game.Workspace.SpawnLocation,
TouchedEvent = game.Workspace.SpawnLocation.Touched:Connect(function(part) print(part) end),
Kills = 0
--Player died
Example Usage for Global:
local CurrentRoundCache = Cache:Create("CurrentRound",
{Global = true, Replicate = true},
SpawnLocation = game.Workspace.SpawnLocation,
Map = game.ServerStorage.Maps["Jungle"]:Clone()
TouchedEvent = game.Workspace.SpawnLocation.Touched:Connect(function(part) print(part) end),
TimeLeft = 30
local RoundTime = 30
--Round Ended
Updated almost 2 years ago