OnUpdate (Server)


Have the Replicate property set to true to have the client be able to get the cache.

An OnUpdate function is used on the server where you provide a callback function that is called whenever the player's cache is updated.
Have the DatastoreSave property set to true to have your Non-Global cache saved to the player's database.

OnUpdate Arguments:

Callback function (a function that is called whenever the cache is updated | Given arguments is the NewCache and the OldCache)

Example Usage for non-Global:

local InventoryCache = Cache:Create("Inventory", {DatastoreSave = true, Replicate = true}, { ["Available Slots"] = 10, {Item = "Basic Sword",Level = 1, XP = 1}, {Item = "Apple"}, } ) local player = game.Players.forbrad --The player object InventoryCache:OnUpdate(function(player, NewCache, OldCache) if OldCache["Available Slots"] ~= NewCache["Available Slots"] then print(player, "now has", NewCache["Available Slots"], "available slots left") end end)

Example Usage for Global:

local RoundCache = Cache:Create("Round Stats", {Global = true, Replicate = true}, { Round = 1, Zombies = 5, PlayersLeft = 10 } ) RoundCache:OnUpdate(function(NewCache, OldCache) if OldCache.Round ~= NewCache.Round then print(NewCache.Round,"has started") end end)

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